Our Ambassadors


  • Our Embassy was opened on 1st March 1979 where Said Haji Mohamoud Farah was appointed the Chargé d’affaires where he served for two months until April 1979. 

  • In May 1979, H.E Ambassador Hashi Abdallah Farah was appointed the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia to Ankara where he submitted his credentials to the President of the Republic of Turkey, H.E Fahri Korutürk. Ambassador Hashi served until September 1980.

  • In September 1980, H.E President Major General Mohamed Siad Barre, President of the Somali Democratic Republic appointed Osman Abdullahi the new Ambassador of Somalia to Turkey.  Ambassador Osman Abdullahi presented his letters of credence to President Kenan Evren.

  • H.E Sharif Mohamed was the third Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia to the Republic of Turkey. 

  • H.E Ambassador Hussein Mohammed Bullaleh was the fourth Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia to the Republic of Turkey. He presented his credentials to H.E President Turgut Özal.
  • In June 2008,  Hilal Muhammed Aden was appointed the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia to Turkey. On 17th September 2009, H.E Ambassador Hilal presented his credentials to the Speaker of the Turkish  Parliament Hon. Mehmet Ali Sahin. H.E Ambassador Hilal served until September 2010.
  • In October 2010 Nur Sheikh Hamud Mursal was appointed the Chargé d’affaires where he served until June 2012. 
  • In July 2012, H.E Mursal Sheikh Abdulrahman presented his credentials as Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia to Turkey where he served until 2015.
  • In May 2015, H.E President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud appointed Amb. Abdullahi Mohamed Ali (Sanbaloolshe) as Somalia’s Ambassador to Turkey. In September 2015, H.E President Recep Tayyip Erdogan officially received credentials from Amb. Abdullahi Mohamed Ali in Ankara – Turkey.
  • In May 2017, H.E President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo appointed H.E Jama Abdullahi Mohamed as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Somalia to the Republic of Turkey. On 16th August 2017, H.E Ambassador Jama Abdullahi Mohamed officially submitted his credentials to H.E President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.  
  • In May 2024, H.E Ambassador Fathudin Ali Mohamed officially submitted his credentials to H.E President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. 
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